22 MARCH 1946, Page 10


" THERE is nothing wrong with your nature' —

a man once said to me- " but your character!

Well that is another matter."

Gaily I went my way.

Of myself did I know every feature?

Then how should I prefer, form character, give myself conscious direction Who had turned on my pole like a flower which says " Look at me, Eye of the Day! "

What more can any man say?

" Look at me, Eye of the Day! "

Strong-willed men choose their direction—

their longing for what they are not, they are ambitious, incomplete, imperfect ; grimly they seek what is right, determined, set course for perfection (known orbits give most satisfaction) will have virtue, that definite character, blind with a bias seeking sight. Can they be wiser or cleverer Who say," Look at me following the Light ;

Look at the Eye of the Night"? W. J. TURNER