22 MARCH 1957, Page 16

SIR,—Have you seen the latest advertisement extolling the pleasures of

travelling by British Railways? It depicts a lady accompanied by her little girl occupying a lavatory in one of the corridor trains. It would be nice to know on what routes such delectable trains operate. The caption says: 'It's fun to freshen up! Whenever you wish it's only a few steps to a refreshing wash or a calm, unhurried appraisal with powder and lipstick when you go by train.' The idea of visiting the lavatory in a British Railways train 'for fun,' I am afraid, will lead to some ribald laughter and amusement, for one's experience in this direction is usually of crude squalor and filth, and even if water should be avail- able there is no soap and only paper 'towels.' The caption goes on: 'Want to stretch your legs? The whole corridor is your stamping ground.' It is doubt- ful whether this recommendation would be popular with one's fellow travellers.—Yours faithfully,

London, SE3