22 MAY 1841, Page 10

A public meeting of the inhabitant householders of St. Matthew,.

Bethnal Green, yesterday, adopted a petition in favour of the Budget resolutions; and passed a censure on Dr. Lushington for opposing Mi- nisters in the Sugar-duties debate.

A large meeting assembled in the Town-hall of Croydon on Wed- nesday, to petition against the Corn-laws.

Public meetings to petition for alteration of the Corn-laws have been held in Sheffield and in Wolverhampton, and by the pawnbrokers of Birmingham. The meeting at Sheffield was 8,000 or 10,000 strong_ The Chartists interfered ; but they were defeated. The meeting at Wolverhampton was adjourned from the Public Office to the market- place; where the inhabitants declared for total repeal, and adopted a pe- tition to the Queen, closing thus-

.' We humbly beg to entreat your Majesty to choose only those men for your Ma. jesty's service who are determined to repeal this unjust law, to remove all abuses, abo- lish all monopolies, and to procure justice for the poor as well as the rich. And we fur- ther humbly beg and implore your Majesty to dissolve the present Parliament, if it re- fuses to repeal the Corn-law, and so again, and again, until it is repealed. And we shall for ever pray."

The pawnbrokers of Birmingham likewise unanimously demand total repeal. One of them observed, that the pawnbrokers might be supposed to profit by the distress resulting from the Corn-laws, which drove people to them for accommodation ; but their profits were eaten up by losses : they were compelled, as it were, to take goods which could not be redeemed, and which could only be sold at a loss.

Bath Town-Council have petitioned the House of Commons to take the Import-duties Report into consideration. The only dissentient was a man who said that he had not read a word of the volume.

A special meeting of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce wax held on Thursday, to receive the deputation which had been sent tot London. They had waited upon the President of the Board of Trade,, Lord John Russell, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Clarendon,, Lord Francis Egerton, Lord Ashbrurton, Lord Radnor, Sir Robert Peels Mr. Hume, and Mr. Villiers ; and had been received with the greatest courtesy by alL Much dissatisfaction was expressed at Sir Robert Peel's " misrepresentation " in confounding the Chamber's Report with Mr. Greg's pamphlet. Mr. Smith said that Sir Robert's reply to the deputation was very different from his speech. Mr. Holland bole gave the " force " of it ia a very fevf He said, " I admit your principle; I see you are perfectly sincere; you have not come here for any party purpose; but there are very high moral and political con- sideration, connected with this question."

A meeting was held at Waterford city on Wednesday, to support Lord John Russell in his new financial policy. The Mayor presided.