22 MAY 1841, Page 8

Ebt Vrobincts.

We understand that, in case of a dissolution, Mr. Labouchere and Sir Joshua Walmsley will do the electors of Liverpool the honour of offering themselves as candidates to serve them as their representatives in the new Parliament. We are glad that we are to have a brace of Whigs to confront us on that occasion : first, because it is as easy to beat two as one ; and secondly, because the proffered services of Mr. Labouchere are a proof to us that Taunton is already too hot for the President of the Board of Trade.—Liverpool Mail. [Perhaps the re- lative strength of Whig or Tory may not so readily settle the Liverpool election as the Mail supposes: free trade aspirations would of course be more in favour in Mr. Huskisson's town than in agricultural Taunton.] Lord Sandon numbers among his politics.' friends many gentlemen engaged in the Brazil and a few in the United States trade. These gentlemen, particularly those engaged in the trade to Brazil, are highly indignant at his conduct on the Sugar question ; and several of them have avowed that they will oppose him whenever he appears before his constituents to solicit a renewal of the trust now reposed in him.— Liverpool Albion.

The Tories of Preston, says the Manchester Guardian, were adopting active measures for the return of Mr. Townley Parker, when they received a letter from him declining to spend his money in election- ,jring. His friends among the electors immediately offered to return Mina free of expense ; and on that understanding he consents to be a Zandidate.

We understand the Tories have resolved to bring forward Hodson Kearsley, Esq., and Mr. P. Greene'', as the candidates for Wigan, on the Conservative side. The Liberals have not yet decided upon who shall be colleague to Charles Standish, Esq. Public rumour has fixed upon Mr. William Brown, of Liverpool ; but we cannot speak with certainty as to the report.—Holton Free Press. Mr. Thomas Gisborne, the 1.Vhig- Radical Member for Carlow, has been breakfasting with some of his political friends at Leicester. The report is, that Mr. Ellis's seat is tottering, and Mr. Gisborne's return is thought safer.

The Ipswich Journal understands that Mr. Montague Gore is to be Conservative candidate for Ipswich, in the room of Sir Thomas Coch- rane, (who, it will be remembered, can no longer endure the exactions of the" independent electors' ); and that the Honourable Mr. Wilson will be associated with Mr. Rigby Wason on the Liberal side.

Mr. Twiss, says the Times, intends to stand by the side of Earl Jer- myn at the next election for Bury. He attended a meeting of his friends lately, at the Angel Inn ; and was promised their support.

Mr. Hughes Hughes, the Tory who was elected for Oxford in 1830, startled that city on Saturday with the note of preparation for a general election : he announces himself a candidate at the next opportunity. His friends recount his exertions in aid of Mr. Fielden and Mr. Walter on the Poor-law question, of Lord Ashley and Mr. Sadler in factory- children, and of Sir Fowell Buxton in slavery-abolition matters.

Various candidates are mentioned as likely to stand for Windsor at the next election : Captain Fechell pr Colonel Fox may be the " Castle candidate"; Sir John de Beauvoir, it is said, also means to stand on the Liberal side ; and Captain Bulkeley will again offer


self to the Tories.

Colonel Charles Wyndham, a Tory, is in the field for West Sussex. Mr. Fuller has issued an address to the electors of East Sussex, as an aspirant to be the colleague of the Tory Mr. Darby. The Brighton Gazette says that Sir John Villiers Shelley, " who now is a Whig," has been " nibbling at the electors "; and adds, that he has less chance than Mr. Cavendish.

The correspondent of the Morning Post assumes that a new Tory candidate, Mr. Goring, of Wiston, will be allowed to walk over the course with Sir Charles Burrell, at Bramber.

Mr. Dottin, the Tory Member for Southampton, will retire at the next dissolution, on account of his age. Mr. Charles Cecil Martyn, who unsuccessfully 'contested the borough with the Whig Viscount Duncan in 1837, will offer to take Mr. Dottin's place. At a meeting of Liberal electors of Plymouth, on Thursday the 13th instant, for the purpose of selecting a candidate to replace Mr. Bewes, the Chairman, Mr. P. E. Lyne, unexpectedly announced a com- munication from Mr. Collier, the other sitting Member, stating that he also declined appealing to them again.

On Monday, Alderman Johnson, the Tory candidate, met a number of his friends at the Royal Hotel. He touched carefully upon the topics of the day— Be had no objection to a reciprocity system in commerce, provided foreigners would take our goods instead of our gold ; but he had witnessed too many in- stances of generosity on the part of England which had not been met by other nations with a similar feeeling. A repeal of the Corn-laws was inadmissible : a modification perfectly necessary. But he should first wish to be sure that foreign Governments would not levy a duty on their corn-exports. He did' not like a fourth estate in the persons of the Poor-law Commissioners: he ob- jected to the power given to three men living two hundred miles away to con- trol the acts of fifty-two Guardians living in Plymouth.

The meeting were quite satisfied with the Alderman's professions. Mr. Charles Lushington has announced to the electors of Ashburton, that it is not his intention to solicit their suffrages to be again elected their representative.

The Devonshire Chronicle mentions a report that Mr. Frederick. Hodgson, the Tory Member for Barnstaple, will not again offer himself to the electors.

Mr. F. W. Knight will be a candidate at the next election for the West Division of Worcestershire, in conjunction with Mr. H. B. Lygon, the present Tory Member.

We are credibly informed, that on an early day the friends and sup- porters of Captain Winnington, in West Worcestershire, propose. meeting to tender that gentleman their best assistance, whenever a dis- solution of Parliament shall take place.—Worcestershire Chronicle.

In consequence of the continued ill health of Colonel Davies, he will not again offer himself for the representation of the borough of Wor- cester.

The Ten Towns Messenger says that Mr. Larpent, the unsuccessful candidate for Nottinirhum, will be proposed as a candidate by the Ra- dicals of Dudley.

We have heard that a canvass has already commenced for the' Northern Division of Wilts, on behalf of Mr. H. Hobhouse ; but we greatly doubt the fact. Mr. Long and Sir Francis Burdett will again offer themselves.—Dertzes Gazette.

The Wiltshire Independent describes Chippenham as having been put in all the bustle of an actual election, by the canvass of Mr. W. J. Lysley, of Mimwood, Potter's Bar, Hertfordshire. Mr. Lysley has issued an address reporting favourably of his canvass. Captain Boldero has twice addressed the electors on the Tory side ; and Mr. Neeld is also in the borough, but has not yet declared himself. The Independent hopes bravely, although there has been some ratting.

Mr. W. A. Williams, of Llangibby Castle, will again offer himself on the Liberal interest for the county of Monmouth. The Taunton Gazette says that Mr. Sanford is not to be made a Peer : that he will feel a higher gratification in the honour to be bestowed by the electors than in any distinction from the Royal favour.

At a meeting of the friends of Captain &obeli, in Bath, on Tuesday, it was announced that that gentleman, in consequence of ill health, did not intend again to offer himself as a candidate for the representation of this city.

We have been informed, from unquestionable authority, that in the- event of a dissolution, Dr. Bowring intends to offer himself as a candi- date for the representation of Falmouth.—Falmouth Packet.

According to the Falmouth Post, in the event of a dissolution, Lord Boscawen will be a candidate to represent the Western Division of Cornwall.

Mr. Basset, the sitting Member for Helston, has addressed the electors, offering a continuance of his services.

Public meetings in support of the intended change in the Corn-laws have been held this week in Southampton, Manchester, Walsall, Dun- stable, and Little Hampton in Sussex. Public meetings to petition in favour of all the reductions of the duties included in the Government scheme have been held at Devon-- port, and Christchurch in Hampshire.

The meeting at Manchester was important. The requisition calling upon the Mayor to convene it was signed by 1,300 firms and indivi- duals, including many merchants, bankers, and other traders. A strong muster was therefore anticipated ; and accordingly the large room in the Town-hall, in which the meeting was held on Tuesday, was thickly crowded in every part. On the other hand, the Chartists were ex- pected to muster in some force, as they had issued placards, warning the " men of Manchester" to "beware of Whig treachery." Special precautions were taken to prevent their seizing the chair by force, as they did at the last public meeting in the Town-hall : high enclosed hustings were erected in the centre of the room, and all benches and tables were removed. The Chartists, however, formed a very small fraction of the 2,400 or 2,500 who filled the ball. Two of the party,. Mr. Elijah Dixon and the Reverend Mr. Scholefield, endeavoured to. obtain a hearing ; but without the smallest success. For any outline even of the numerous speeches we have not room. The most remark- able point was one in Alderman Cobden's speech, in which he exhorted his hearers not to give up the total repeal of the Corn-laws, in accept- ing the change offered by Government- " Was it necessary that we the people of this great manufacturing commu- nity should identify ourselves with this or that party iu this great question ? No: we must set up for ourselves the standard of Free Trade; and we should • 'have the Whigs flocking to our standard if we remained true to our principle ; for they knew that they could not fight without the people, without whom the Whigs could not carry even their 8s. fixed duty. He believed, if we were to lay down our righteous principle of total and immediate repeal, we should be as powerless as the Whigs : therefore let us be true to our principles ; but never let us commit the folly which some would fall into of kicking those who are advancing towards us.' He was not disposed to quarrel with those who would help hint over the first impediment in his way.

Six persons sent a protest against the meeting to the Mayor, who .presided ; because they had been shut out when they went to the Hall at ten o'clock, while others were admitted by ticket. The Mayor ex- plained, that those others were the numerous requisitionists, who were called, as usual, to consider the resolutions which they would propose to the meeting: they met in a small room, and therefore tickets had been issued in order that none but requisitionists might be admitted at that -preliminary meeting.

A deputation from the Anti-Corn-law League was received at a pub- lic tea-party at Lancaster, on Monday. Lectures have been given by emissaries of the Anti-Corn-law Association and others to public meet- ings at Dover, Folkstonc, Preston, Kirkby-Lonsdale, DIostyn, Flint, and Reading.

A petition for a repeal of the Corn-laws has been adopted by the ' Town-Council of Coventry.

Resolutions to petition in support of the Government scheme gene- rally had been adopted by the Town-Councils of Manchester, Bolton, Yarmouth, Norwich, and Tewkesbury.

The members of the Manchester Town-Council were very energetic in their denunciations of the law. Alderman Callender thought that the poor would be unable any longer to endure it— So thoroughly convinced was he that the poor of this country were oppressed to the last possible degree, that he was quite prepared to recommend a pro- perty-tax. Those who had wealth were the proper persons to bear the national burdens, which ought not to be laid on the sugar and coffee and bread of the people. Alderman Cobden saw the effect which the agitation had already had .upon the division of parties— Happy he was to see the papers in the interest of the monopolists in London unconsciously doing their best to promote such a junction of different political parties to support Ministers]; for in the sweeping attacks they were making on the commercial community, they made no distinctions of party, Whig or Tory ; and he thought that, unless the Tory merchants and manufacturers of this com- munity had more of the spaniel in their composition than they had credit for, they would hardly relish the terms "daemons ' and " jugglers' so liberally ap- plied to them. (Laughter.) He thought that they would begin to perceive that manufacturing Toryism and feudal Toryism could not very well consort toge- ther. (Laughter.) It must begin to be apparent to the manufacturing Tory that the agricultural Tory looked upon him as the bird of prey regarded the rest of the feathered tribe, as victims to be devoured at discretion. It was evi- dent, in fact, that they looked upon them as Blucher did upon London. It was reported that Blucher, when in London soon after the battle of Waterloo, was taken to the top of St. Paul's; and when viewing from it the magnificent piles of buildings which spread in every direction around, the first thing he said was, " Good heavens, what a plunder (Laughter.) Now lie was afraid the agrimiltural Tories were inclined to look upon our tall, chimnies and manufac- turing Tories in the same way.

The Newcastle Shipowners Society met on Wednesday week, and adopted a petition for alteration of the Corn-laws. One of the mem- bers opposed the petition altogether ; but he could not find a seconder. Another moved an amended resolution in favour of total repeal; but it was rejected, by 12 to 8. The original petition was then carried with- out a dissentient. It was stated that a petition against the proposed alteration in the Timber-duties, sent to the House of Commons from the Society, was adopted at a committee meeting, and not a general meeting; and the conduct of Mr. Gillespie, the representative of the Society in London, in joining with various societies in opposing the 'Government, was spoken of in terms of disapprobation.

The Newcastle Chamber of Commerce have adopted a petition in Savour of all the Budget propositions.

Mr-William Feilden, the Tory Member for Blackburn, has written a letter to one of his constituents, promising to support Lord John Russell tin altering the Corn-laws.

The Gloucester, Worcester, and Bridgewater Anti-Slavery Associa- tions, have issued protests against the course taken by the Committee -of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society in opposition to the -Government proposal for the reduction of the Sugar-duties.

At a meeting called in Portsea, last week, to support the Government _proposition for the repeal of the Corn-laws, the Chartists succeeded in .carrying their own petition, to the effect

" That any tax whatever on corn, which is the food of the people, more par- sticularly of the working-people, is unwise, unjust, and cruel; and neither -called for nor justifiable in this country by any necessity of state. Your peti- tioners therefore pray that every such tax or protecting-duty be abolished with the least possible delay."