22 MAY 1847, Page 10



Loan have been continued; and a very large amount has been received at the Bank of England. Bullion has also continued to pour into the coffers of the establishment; most of the London bankers having sent in considerable sums. Under these favourable circumstances, the Bank Directoes-have been more than usually liberal in their discounts, and the rate of interest has ranged from 511 to 6 per cent. The English Funds have continued tolerably steady. On Monday, the rise in the Corn-market, coupled with the heaviness of Exchequer Bills, caused a rallying to the above quotation upon the general improved appearance of affairs and a reported decline in the Corn-market. Notwithstanding the large purchase above noticed, Exchequer Bills still fluctuate between a trifling discount and as trifling a premium: it is therefore considered doubtful whether the holders of those bills depression of rather more than 4 per cent; Consols for Account having fallen to 861. After some fluctuation, the closing. price today is .861 87. The upward movement was occasioned by the reported increase of bullion in the Bank, and the purchase by the Bank-broker of a considerable amount of Exchequer Bills. The market has since given way again, under the pressure of sales by the same gentleman;

During the week, the payments in advance on account of the instalments of the

which arrive at maturity in Jane next will exchange them for new bills or de- mand to be paid off. The rate offered, 3d. per day—equal to an interest of 41. ills. 3d per cent per annum—ought certainly to induce the holders to ex- change their bills; for when Railway Companies can borrow at 5 per cent, the Government may surely expect to do so at rather better than 41. The price of Long Annuities has undergone a considerable depression, large quantities having been thrown upon the market: these securities can now be purchased at the rate of 81. 18s. 9d. for every 11. annuity to continue for 121 years; which is equi- Talent to an investment of capital in them at 51 per cent. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been unimportant; no material change having occurred inprices, while the business transacted has been so tri- fling as not to afford scope for any remark.

The same observation will apply to the Share Market; where the transactions have nut been extensive, and the tendency is still downward.

A slight upward movement may be noticed today in the shares of the Paris and Lyons Railway; which have advanced 5s., in consequence of the negotiation now- in progress between the Directors of the Company and the French Gnvernment: to all appearance, this will either terminate in a considerable eeteneion of the lease of the line, or the purchase by the Government of all the works now in pro- gress, and consequent break-up of the company. Meetings of the shareholders of the Cette and Lyons and Avignon Companies have been held, and proceedings taken for the dissolution of these associations and the return of the capital to the shareholders.


The only important change in the condition of the Bank of England is an in- crease of more than 1,500,0001. in the amount of the public deposits; arising, we believe, chiefly from the payments made in advance of the instalments of the last Loan. There is also an increase of 281,234/. in the amount of bullion; of which 102,5491. is in the Banking Department, and 178,6851. in the Issue DePart- meet. The amount of unissued notes is likewise 596,8051. greater than last week. The English Funds are firmer this morning; Consols for Money and Account being 874. Exchequer Bills are ls. discount to ls. premium. No change or busi- ness of importance has occurred in the Foreign Funds. The Railway Shares are slightly firmer: the transactions of the morning are, however, unimportant; having as yet been confined to the following. Anibergate, Notts, and Boston, 11; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 164; Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and Dad- ley, 94; Caledonian, 234; Eastern Counties, Perpetual Five per Cent, premium; East,Lancashire, 54; East Lincolnshire, 8; Great Northern, 2; Great Western, Fifths, 25; Brighton, 514; North-western, 170; Ditto, 101. Shares, M. and B., B., 94; Manchester, Buxton, and Matlock, 4; Midland, New, 74; North British, Half- shares, 134; Ditto Quarter-shares, 34; Ditto, Third-shares, 24; North Staf- fordshire, 91; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 134; Preston and Wyre, 4; South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 1, 19; Ditto, New, No. 4, 44; Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth, 104; York and North Midland, 811; Ditto, Preference, 94. SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK.

The English Funds have somewhat advanced: after reaching 874 they are last quoted at 874 4. Large Exchequer Bills have fluctuated between par and 2 premium, and small ones have been at 3 and 6 premium. Bank Stock is marked at 189 and 1904, and India Stock, 240. We have also to notice the rather unusual occurrence of a bargain in the new Five per Cents, at 112. We cannot notice any change or business of importance in the Foreign Fonds; while the Scrip of the new loan has been sold at 24 discount. The Railway Share Market is nearly in the same state as yesterday. It will be seen from the following record of actual bargains, that in many cases the last prices at which business was transacted were lower than those of the morning. Aberdeen, 24; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 14 1; Caledonian, 234 4; Chester and Holyhead, 20; Eastern Counties, 184 44; Ditto, York Extension, 54; Great Western, 1084; Ditto, Quarter-shares,. 151; Ditto, 'iftha, 25; Ditto, New, 64 i i; London and Blackwell, 914 4 1 4; London and North-western, 170 69; Ditto, 401. Shares, M. and B., 65; London and South-western, 614; Newcastle and Berwick, 241; North British, 304; North Staffordshire, 94 9; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 134, Scottish Central, 23; South-eastern and Dover, 354; York and Newcastle, 34 4 4; York and North Midland, 814 2; Paris and Lyons, 54; Rouen and Havre, 24. 3 per Cent Consols - 871 . Danish 3 per Cents 82 4 Ditto for Account 871 1 Dutch 2} per Cents" on 81

3 per Cent Reduced 851 6 Ditto 4 per Cents 87} 8}

3} per Cents 87} I Mexican 5 per Cents...1846 20 }

Long Annuities 81 15-16 New Grenada 19 20 Bank Stock 189 190} Portuguese:Lim 5 p. Cts.1841 33} 4} Exchequer Bills par 6 pro. Peravian 37 9 India Stock 240 Russian 5 per Cents 108 110 Brazilian 5 per Cents 82 4 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 221 1

Belgian 43 per Cents 90 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 33} 4

Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent... 97 9 Venezuela 37 9

C1)11111,1'6 per Cents 92 4