22 MAY 1915, Page 1

Let us say once more that though speculations as to

the personnel of the new Government are extremely fascinating, they matter very little compared with what the Cabinet is able to accomplish. What we want is a Cabinet which will bring about a concentration of national effort, which will array the nation, and the whole nation, for the work of war. We have got to beat our ploughshares into swords and then place them, not in the hands of a favoured few, but of the whole people. Unlese this can be done, ringing the changes on our statesmen will prove perfectly worthless. To be specific, a National Government to be of any use must secure a vast increase in the munitions of war, and either compulsory military service or else such a stimulation of voluntary enlist. ment as will give us at once numbers of recruits as great as those which could be obtained by conscription. Nothing else will do.