22 MAY 1915, Page 23

The importance of The Scotch - Irish in America has led Professor

Henry Jones Ford to collect and publish a quantity of interesting material upon the subject (Humphrey Milford for the Princeton University Press, 8s. 6d. net). His volume opens with an account of the Ulster Plantation of 1609, when the first Scottish settlements in North-East Ireland began to be made. Emigration from there to America took place almost from the first, and during the seventeenth century the stream was already considerable. The Ulster settle- ments were mainly on the New England frontier, and they were in consequence very deeply involved in the Indian Wars, as to which Professor Ford has much to relate. In a final chapter he makes a very generous estimate of the valuable contribution brought by the Ulster Irish to the making of the United States, and emphasizes in particular the influence which they exercised in favour of popular education.