22 MAY 1915, Page 23

We desire to call the attention of our readers to

the third number of Amtirica-Latina, the admirable periodical issued in Spanish in the interests of the Allies at W. Gresham Street, E.C., and conducted with great ability by Mr. Benjamin Barrios. Besides the speech of Sir Edward Grey at Mr. John Buchan's lecture, Lord Kitchener's statement in the House of loords on April 27th, the despatches of Sir John French, and twelve pages devoted to the a Lusitania ' disaster with the editorials of the leading British papers and opinions of the Press throughout Europe, the number contains an article on "Opinion in Spain," by the editor, and papers by Cardinal dinette, Archbishop of Paris ; M. Carton de Wiart, Belgian Minister of Justice ; and by the Spanish and Spanish-American writers, Blasco Yhafiez, J. Enrique Redo, and A. Nervo. The paper is profusely illustrated, the pictures including Punch's cartoon "Unconquerable" (in homage to King Albert), numerous portraits, and illustrations from the Daily Graphic and the French weekly L'Illustration.