22 MAY 1926, Page 1

The official report of the visit of the T.U.C. repre-

sentatives to announce the end of the strike to the Prime Minister is strangely interesting reading. The repre- sentatives included Mr. Arthur Pugh, Mr. A. B. Swales, Mr. -Bevin and Mr. .1. H. Thomas. The Prime Minister did not beat about the bush as Grant did in that famous, embarrassing interview at Appomattox Court House when Lee came to make his surrender. He at once asked Mr. Pugh to explain the visit. Mr. Pugh said that the General Council of the T.U.C. had been watching for an opportunity to resume the coal negotiations and that they had recognized such an opportunity in the Prime Minister's wireless address to the nation. " That was something which we on our side certainly could not ignore." They saw that however long the strike might last coal negotiations would have to be gone through in the end. " We are here to-day, Sir," he, went on, " to say that this general strike is to be ter-. minated forthwith in order that negotiations may proceed." The Prime Minister replied, " I thank God for your decision and I would only say now I do not think this is a moment for lengthy discussion. I shall call my Cabinet together forthwith, and I shall lose no time in using every endeavour to get the two contending parties together and do all I can to ensure a just and lasting settlement."