22 MAY 1926, Page 21


UNDER the title Christianisme a valuable series of historical and theological works is being published by Messrs. F. Rieder, of Paris. The outlook of the series is neither con- troversial nor directly religious, but scientific. Among the contributors are M. -Loisy—Les Actes des Ape•tres ; M. Dela- fosse—Le Quatrihne Evangile, and L'Epitre aux Romains ; M. Felix Sartiaux—Foi et Science an Moyen Age ; M. Aulard —Le Christianisme et la Revolution Francaise ; Professor Zielinski, of Warsaw—La Sibylle ; and Don Miguel de Unamuno—L'Agonie du Christianisme, a translation of an unpublished Spanish text. ' A parallel series, Judaism, is contemplated, of which the first volume, a translation of Dr. Israel Abraham's Permanent Values of Judaism has appeared. The same firm has lately published M. Houtin's autobiographical Vie de Prgtre (3s.), and his life of the late M. Marcel Hebert—Un Prgtre Symbolists. M. Houtin ranks high, not only as a historian but as an ironist ; his studies of contemporary Catholicism have attracted a good deal of attention in France. Hachette's Library (King William Street) can obtain any of these books.