22 MAY 1936, Page 2

The Eclipse of Prince Starhemberg The fall of Prince Starhemberg

has left Austria with only one dictator, the Christian Socialist Dr. Schuschnigg, who inherits the political tradition of Dr. Dollfuss and Dr. Siepel. If Austria must have a dictator, she probably could not have a better one than Dr. Schuschnigg. The immediate occasion of Prince Starhemberg's eclipse was his typically uncontrolled telegram of congratulation to Mussolini and the demonstration against Dr. Sehusch- nigg made by the Heimwehr at a meeting of the Father- land Front. But in fact Prince Starhemberg and the Heimwehr have served their purpose. With the revival in the prestige and efficiency of the army and police, and the introduction of conscription, Dr. Schuschnigg has no need of the condottiere and his troops to repress revolt ; he has now all the forces he could ueed at his own dis- posal. But it is still uncertain whether the Heimwehr can be dissolved without disturbance, and even more uncertain what party its members will join when they are dissolved. Strong as Dr. Schuschnigg now is, so Mr as control of armed force is concerned, he has dan- gerously little popular support until he can come to terms with the Socialists.

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