22 MAY 1959, Page 21


SIR,—I would like to corroborate Mr. Baber's experience of the Pullman Car Company's concoctions served in the Plymouth to London boat trains.

Coming straight from the French liner Flandre, noted for its cuisine, and with memories of similar British Railways feasts now abandoned in favour of sandwiches, I advised my American friends to wait, as I did, and have their dinner in London.

However, they were undeterred, and the meal, which was more or less the same as Mr. Baber's and just as expensive, was sent away half untouched. There was the usual fight for ice and the horrified rejection of the coffee (extra) after one sip.

If one must eat in a Pullman or British Railways dining car, I advise passengers to stick to cold meat, cheese and biscuits, which they CAN'T COOK.—Yours faithfully,