22 MAY 1971, Page 26


Sir: Wi.th reference to your leader on this subject (24 April) I should like to add that the public-spirited makers of the famous sex educa- tion film are clearly addressing themselves to the audience in the least need of their help when they are trying to instruct the young in a technique which most of them easily learn from their friends or even discover for themselves and which they can practise effortlessly and frequently, although many more profitable pastimes are avail- able to them.

On the other hand the people who need every inexpensive method of livening up the mono- tony of their existence arc the old. but those who attempt to engage in the practice in question usually en- counter insurmountable difficulties.

I hope, therefore, that the altruistic sex educators will not remain in- different to this need, and (instead of expending their prodigious energy upon the schools, with a lesser accretion of the public wel- fare) will produce a film for old- age pensioners through which the practitioners, who are able to maintain their output in an ad- vanced stage of senescence, can share their know-how with the less gifted in that direction.

Stanislav Andreski The University of Reading, White- knights Park, Reading