22 NOVEMBER 1845, Page 8



During the early part of the week, the English Funds revived, and prices were s, little m advance of those of last Saturday; but as Thursday approached, (the

usual day when the Bank Directors meet,) a very general opinion ;began to pre- vail that the rate of discount would be increased to 4 per cent. Under the opera.. tion of this feeling Ins money-market became heavy; and though the Bank meet- ing of yesterday svaarated without making any alteration in the present rate, which still continues at 34 per cent, the prices of the Funds did not experience any material improvement. The arrival of the American papers, today, giving what is considered a demi-official account of the intended message to be commu- nicated by the President to Congress at their assembly on the let December, has from the supposed tone of the message itself and the editorial comments upon it, produced a very depressing effect upon prices. Consols have fallen about 4 per cent; the price for Account having been as low as 954, and the market closing without any improvement.

It is supposed that the Bank will in a short time be obliged to increase the rate of discount to 4 or even 44 per cent, in consequence of the increased value of money.

The Foreign Funds have not varied materially; but are mostly flatter this afternoon, in consequence of the depression in the English Funds. Dutch Two- and-a-half per Cents have been done at 594, being a decline of nearly 4 per cent. Mexican and Columbian are also lower. Spanish Stock, of both descriptions, maintains its ground. No business of importance has occurred in the Foreign Stocks generally. The publication of Mr. Spackman's "Railway Interest of the United Kingdom," by the Times on Monday, created a very great sensation in the City. Those best acquainted with the subject were astonished at the extent to which specula- tion has been carried, and to the great majority of the public the disclosures were equally new and strange. Of the utter impossibility of carrying on all the pro- jected lines there cannot be the slightest doubt; and as no one can tell which of the 620 is to be abandoned and which carried through, there is scarcely anydis- position to buy Scrip Shares. Some of the older and better lines were reviving; and the business in them has been of a more wholesome character; many large purchases being made for investment.

3 per Cent Consols ..... • • •

95 4

Columbian ex Venezuela . • .


Ditto for Account

95 } Danish 3 per Cents 86 8 3 per Cent Reduced

94 4

Dutch 24 per Cents 594 60 34 per Cents

964 it

Ditto 4 per Cents 93 4 Long Annuities

104 Mexican 5 per Cents 50 I Bank Stock

2044 6 Ditto Deferred

16 4

Exchequer Bills Prem. 258 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 568 India Stock

262 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 56 8

Brazilian 5 per cents

81 83 Russian 5 per Cents .ex dlr 110 112 Belgian 44 per Cents

95 7 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 281 i Chillan 6 per Cents

96 8 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842

374 4 The Railway Shares are almost all ower, and Scrip is in a great many in- stances unsaleable. In the Foreign Shares the transactions have been few and at. lower rates. The Shares of the Constituted Northern line of France have been

done at 64 premium, about 11. lower than yesterday. Share.

100 Birmingham and Gloucester 100 Bristol and Exeter 25 Cambridge and Lincoln 25 Cambridge and Lincoln, New 25 Cornwall 50 Direct Manchester (Remington's) Average Eastern Counties 25 Eastern Counties, New 100 Great North of England 100 Great Western 50 Great Western, Half-shares Stock London and Birmingham 25 London and Birmingham, Quarters .

London and Blackwell. New Average London and Croydon Average London and South-western 50 London and York 40 Manchester and Birmingham Stock Midland 40 Midland, New 25 Scottish Central Average South-eastern and Dover 50 South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 2 50 York and Carlisle


20 Dutch-Rhenish

20 Great Northern of France. Constituted

20 Jamaica South Midland Junction 20 Luxembourg 20 Namur and Liege 20 Orleans and Vierzon 20 Orleans and Bordeaux

20 Rouen and Havre

20 Tours and Nantes (Mackenzie's)

Paid. 100 70 14 14

a 24 14 16 4 16 100 80 so

100 2 14 13.15.9 41.6.10 24 40 100 6 24 32.3.4 7 94 5 5 1 4 4 10 6 18 4 Business done. 1294 81

34 34 21 4

44 24 14 194 } 4

54 4 64

210 12 147 5 3 85 4 214 11 12 234 3 - 4 194 194 72 3 4 34 68 9 74 141 40 18 194.

154 35 4 84 a 74 } 114 } 24 94 34 24 15 9 I 264 44


The English Funds are without any change; the few bargains that have oc- curred have been at rather better quotations than the closing ones of yesterday, and the market may be considered as rather firmer. There is no business of importance in the Foreign Market, and prices are the same. The business in Shares has been unimportant, and prices are the same as yesterday. The French Share-market is in a completely stagnant state, in consequence of the depression that has occurred in Pans; and we cannot notice the occurrence of any trans- actions of importance.


In the English Funds the business has not been extensive; but as almost every- body has been selling, the closing prices are 4 per cent below the quotations that have been obtained during the day. The Foreign Fonds are generally lower, with little doing, and a predominance of sellers. Mexican Six per Cents have been done at 30; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents at 594; and Spanish Three per Cents at 374. Portuguese Bonds are firm; both the Three and Four per Cents being quoted at 56 to 58.