22 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 3

The clause was ultimately agreed to on Thursday afternoon by

225 votes to 100, and Sir William Anson then moved a new clause providing that when fees are charged in a voluntary school the local education authority shall pay a proportion of the sum received to the managers. This provoked consider- able antagonism, more than one Unionist Member contending that the clause was inconsistent with previous assurances that the voluntary subscribers would maintain the fabric of the schools. Eventually the clause was agreed to by 196 votes to 88, another new clause—that relieving local education authorities from the duty of maintaining marine schools or schools attached to orphanages and other charitable institu- tions—was passed, and the remaining Ministerial amend- ments and schedules having been put from the Chair under the Closure Resolution and carried without debate, the Bill passed through Committee shortly after midnight on Thurs- day, the final division showing 212 votes to 83, or a majority of 129.