22 NOVEMBER 1913, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—J. D. Davis's remarks on the Jesuits in your issue of November 8th recall a leaflet I once read, the reprint of a sermon preached at a convent where a friend of mine was at school, in which the preacher uttered a still more astound- ing fallacy than in the letter before us. He said, alluding to the statement that Pascal's Provincial Letters had given the Jesuits their death-blow, that it was doubtless a fact, and that the Society of Jesus bore in truth the honour of martyrdom, for what is it but martyrdom to die for your opinions ! To one who objected that certain articles of Roman Catholic belief were contrary to reason, I have heard it replied that since our reason is the highest gift that God has bestowed upon us, it is also the highest offering that we can render back to Him—by renouncing it altogether !—I am, Sir, &c.,