22 NOVEMBER 1913, Page 2

We may note that at the Housing Inquiry opened at

the Dublin City Hall on Tuesday by three inspectors of the Local

Government Board, the Lord Mayor, while declaring that the Corporation courted the most searching investigation, pointed to building in the outlying districts and a stringent appli- cation of the Housing Act as the best means of grappling with the slum problem. He added that he believed that Home Rule meant the creation of a great and beautiful city. Mr. Murray, Chairman of- the Housing Committee, admitted that be knew two members of the Corporation who owned slum property, but there might be three or four more. On Thursday Sir Charles Cameron, Chief Medical Officer of Health for Dublin, said that about five thousand houses were required in Dublin for the working classes. He would like to destroy about a thousand of the existing houses because of their dilapidated and insanitary condition. There were 21,123 families (average five persons) living in one-room dwellings.