22 NOVEMBER 1924, Page 1

After all, Mr. Parker Gilbert is only carrying out 7713

literally the functions prescribed for him in the Dawes 77 Scheme. The 26 per cent. duty, which has become the 774 subject of this heated agitation, was originally introduced 775 by Mr. Lloyd George as a means of transferring money from Germany to her foreign creditors without reference 775 to the almost valueless mark. The real meaning of Mi.. Gilbert's vigorous claim seems to he that the Transfer Committee, acting through him, will decide what repa- ration payments, if any, shall continue to be made by 778 means of the 26 per cent. duty. In a way the old 778 method will be modified in any case, as the Transfer 779 Committee will itself reimburse German exporters 779 instead of leaving that to be done by the German Government.