22 NOVEMBER 1924, Page 24


Jessie M. King. (G. T. Foulis and Co. 6s. net.) This publicaticai from Benn's comes at a very opportune time— when the ancient art of Batik is beginning to be modernized into a " stunt." Most people, whose only knowledge of this art is gained from the splashed and hasty-handed attempts which are now so fashionable, will be surprised by the beauti- fully evolved and orderly harmonized patterns of the Batiks of the Javanese. Before reading this other book, by Miss Jessie M. King, which explains in so simple and clear a manner " how to make your own Batik," all students, who really have a sincere regard for the true revival of a very ancient and artistic craft, should make a point of studying, not only the examples illustrated in M. Real's book, but also his expo- sition of the earlier technical methods. Miss King's brochure might be criticized because of the fact that the technique only trickles through the fairy-story, for, it might be objected, children who would find a fairy story entertaining are not likely to be of an age suited to the handling of such quantities of molten wax as the process necessitates.