22 NOVEMBER 1930, Page 39

Letters to the Editor


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sut,—The anti-British feeling in India was noticeable on the occasion of Deepavali Festival, when thousands of Indians wore }Madder cloths. I was told that local shopkeepers were unable to comply with the heavy demands.

For Deepavali the Indian and his household buy new cloths and clothes, and one can well imagine what an amount of trade the Lancashire mills must have lost this year. Only a small fraction of Indians purchased foreign cloth. British mills must certainly have lost trade to the extent of some thousands of pounds.

The boycott is nothing to be sneered at or to be treated as a minor detail. The results of such a movement will surely tell on the Old Country, and of this fact the Indian is aware. Something must be done to arrive at an amicable settlement. Surely the-Government and the other parties are not bankrupt of clear, sound-thinking statesmen who, with unbiased views, can give India—this wealthy country of our Common- wealth—a status different to that she now enjoys !—I am,

C ;o Stores Department, Golden Rock, Trkkitiopoly, South India.