22 NOVEMBER 1940, Page 16

SIR,—The logic of " Janus " is deplorable, and I

wish to protest most vigorously against his remarks in your issue of November 8th about reasons for not bombing Rome. He is best answered by the news that 13 Italian planes have been brought down over the Thames. I will "hazard a guess" that posterity will be more grateful to those brave lads who accomplished this feat—for they are the saviours of Christianity—than to the woolly headed pamphleteers who have still to grasp the essential idea of a tctal war.

I have read your paper for many years now—it is on the whole a fine production and you can be congratulated on getting it out under what must be extraordinary difficulties at present. Please do not zdd to the difficulties by accepting ex cathedra utterances of a man like "Janus "—he has caused 'offence on more than one occasion. He is not by any chance a member of the Roman Church?—Yours faithfully,