22 NOVEMBER 1957, Page 30

LEASEHOLDERS AND THE RENT ACT Snt,—Leaseholders may be of the

opinion that the new Rent Act will not effect them. In this they are wrong.

Admittedly, a leasehold house is not and never has been subject to control and at the expiry of the term, unless a further lease is arranged or he or she is not put in the street, the lessee will have to pay a rack rent.

With the reins off and ground landlords rampant and price-happy, this rent will now assume astro- nomical proportions unless prompt action is taken by Parliament to avert it.

This is not, by any means, the end of the lease- holderi' misfortunes. This Association is fully aware of all the troubles besetting them, but needs the sup- port of all leaseholders to bring about permanent cures.—Yours faithfully,