22 NOVEMBER 1957, Page 70


1 Future works to be done in the little boats (8).

5 How Miss Woodhouse might have appeared to

Mr. Knightley at times (6).

9 Ina, do get a move on! (2, 1, 5)

10 What Landor did with none (6).

12 The keynote of good health? (5) 13 Give the pillows a good stir to make the bed (9).

14 When apt, its aid is artful (12), 18 Faces in favour (12).

21 Or the cradle of classical learning (5, 4).

23 Composition for black keys only (5).

24 How chess victories are won, but not by an outsider (6).

25 Lo, grapes are rampant on these structures (8).

26 There's very little in this state (6).

27 Get-away by air, what a picture! (8) DOWN 1 Not his this cult (6).

2 A brag? Begone (6).

3 He loses a lot in leaving Shylock for Protons (9).

4 By inference, all men were to John Wesley (12).

6 This little pig went to church! (5) 7 Mine, love? So it is. Remember me (8).

8 An enclosure for the muses in the mountains (8).

11 Even an electrician shouldn't do this with a promise (4, 3, 5).

15 High Court of old (9).

16 There's everything in a descendant, it brings tears to one's eyes (8).

17 Does he exchange roles with a bloodhound? (8) 19 Swift charmer was sparkling (6).

20 A hundred rush to be refined (6).

22 'The sound is forced, the - are few' (Blake) (5).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened at noon on December 3 and addressed: Crossword No. 967, 99 Gower St., London, WCI

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on December 6 Solution to No. 965 on page

The winners of Crossword No. 965 are: Ma. J. Euts, 32 Georglatt Thornton Heath, and Miss D. J. CATTANACH, 18 QueensferrY Edinburgh 2.