22 NOVEMBER 1968, Page 25

Enter the new fascists

Sir: In attempting to refute your description of student militants as the 'new fascists,' Mr Nicolas Walter (Letters, 8 November) cites in their favour their alleged approval of 'violence against the rich and strong rather than the poor and weak.'

Over the past five years, the heroes of the 'Victory to the Vietcong' crowd have employed calculated 'violence,' to put it mildly, against tens of thousands of recalcitrant Vietnamese civilians. Few of us had realised until now that the 252 Montagnard villagers massacred by grenade and flame thrower at Dak Son in December 1967, the 128 townspeople killed and 519 wounded in random Communist rocket attacks upon Saigon during May and early June this year, or the eighty-eight villagers murdered at San Tro later in June (to select just a handful of the most recent victims) must have been—to a man, woman or child—Cadillac-driving pluto- crats. One lives and learns.