22 OCTOBER 1831, Page 1

. it was thought advisable to postpone the publication of

the ANATOMY till the 5th of November. An Advertisement to this effect was inserted in the Daily Papers in the middle of the week ; but as it may not have met the eye of some, of our readers, we now repeat it.

The intervening fortnight shall be employed in a diligent endeavour to sift, test, and arrange n11 the information within our reach, so as to insure the utmost accuracy in a task of such complication and difficulty. The Editor is the more induced to this course, from observing that very gross violations of the truth of facts, in some departments of the investigation which the Anatomy embraces, are widely circulated ; and he is anxious not only to correct these, but to avoid all similar errors.

Orders for T/IE SPECTATOR containing THE ANATOMY OF THE PEERAGE should he forwarded to the Newsmen on or before the 3rd November.

NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENT.—The error, if it he one, pointed out by "A Subscri- ber," originated with the University Paper from which we copy that species of intelligence.