22 OCTOBER 1831, Page 10

A Duca or Tug FIRST HEAD:■011 Saturday the 23d ult.

one of the Duke of Gordon's keepers shot in his Grace's forests of Glenfiddoch, the largest and by far the fattest hart ever killed in this part of the country. It weighed, as it fell, 5251bs. There were seventeen unusually large antlers on the head, which measures, in perpendicular height, 3 feet 91 inches ; obliquely, from bottom to top, 4 feet 51 inches ; the third antler, 1 foot 34 incises ; circumference of each horn at the bottom, 91 inches; circumference under the third antler, n inches.-Elgia Courier.

CIIINESE PROPIIETS.-A sort of revelation from the Gods is now being published by writing, and by word of mouths, in every direction, declar- ing that this year, in the sixth, ninth, and tenth months, a great pesti- lence will prevail, and cause the deaths of persons innumerable. The Erst intimation of the approaching judgments was made by the deified astronomer Chatig-Teen.Sze to Twig Ta-laou-yay, of Hoo-pils province, on his way from Peking, when in Kwangyuen district. There will be an abundant harvest this year, but human beings will suffer greatly. The virtuous shall he spared, but the wicked will find it impossible to escape. Those who will not believe shall see. The ground will be covered with dead bodies. At the third watch, when cocks crow, and the dogs bark, a malignant god will go forth to slay by the pestilence. Those who hear their names called must be careful not to answer.- Conlon ReyiAter. [ Some philosophers have imagined, that the unknown tongue, in which Miss Campbell, Miss Hall, and Mr. Taplin deliver their soothsayings, is a dialect of Chinese. It is possible that the interpre- tation, hitherto sought in vain, may be found in the approaching judg- ments foretold by the deified astronomer Chang to his disciple Tung.] A GREATER TUAN 3IARY GAllrEELL.-A prosecution is now pending in Spain, before the Court of Estriunadura, which is worthy the annals of the fifteenth century. A woman, pretending to be pregnant by Christ, Las become at once the object of the wonder of her neighbours and of the pursuit of justice. This unhappy lunatic has seduced thirteen other women no less infatuated than herself, who consider her to be inspired, and have become her apostles 1-14'reach Paper.

LEVIATHAN.-A large whale was cast on shore at North Berwick, about fourteen days ago. It was sold by the captors for 37/. 10s. exclu- sive of the bones, which were purchased by Dr. Knox, of Burke noto- riety, for 141.; he is on the spot himself, superintending its dissection and preparation as a skeleton, to be exhibited in his museum. The fish measured eighty feet long by eighteen feet three inches across the tailfin.