22 OCTOBER 1831, Page 5

Thompson . . • ..

Lord Mayor Laurie

Waithman .. 2456354 There is a warm controversy waging between AlderMa.n 2:17atitliman and Mr. Pearson and Mr. Stevens, on the subject of the Alderman's conduct in respect to the election ; which Mr. Waithrnimn justifies by re- ference to the conduct of the late Alderman. Combe on a shnilar occa- sion. Mr. Waithimm talks a great deal of his past doings. He seems to forget that he lives among a new generation of men. his one eye, which made him king among. the blind, forms but a poor recommenda- tion now that all his companions have got two eyes.

CLERKEN1TELL AND THE Bisnors.—Twenty-three of the Clerkenwell Political Union have signed an address to time Churchwardens, • calling on them not to invite the Bishops to preach in the parish in future, in consequence of their irreligious conduct towards the Reform Bill. This is a small revenge. We dare say, of the glorious Twenty-one, three- fourths will not suffer the want of an hour's sleep should they never preach again either in Clerkenwell or anywhere else. DORSETSUIRE ET.ECTION.—At the final close of the poll on Monday.; the fifteenth and last day, the Under-Sheriff came forward and announced .. the numbers to be—

Lord Ashley 1847 Mr. Ponsonby 1811

Majority for Lord Ashley 30

He in consequence declared Lord Ashley to be the member for the county. It is said Mr. Ponsonby, who has excluded himself from Par- liament altogether by standing for Dorset, intends to try that refuge for the destitute—a petition to the House. There were, at the close of the poll, 434 undecided votes before the Assessor ; so that more than one in nine of the freeholders have been prevented from voting at all. Is this too a necessary part of the system ? From the zeal displayed against the registry clauses of the late Bill, we suppose it must be.

CAMBRIDGE EaacTios.—The contest commences on the 27th. Lord Lowther is very actively engaged. The inhabitants of' Cambridgeshire are raising a subscription for the purpose of returning Mr. Townley, the Reform candidate, free of expense. In a speech made on Saturday last, at the Exchange Hall, Wisbech, that gentleman publicly pledged himself to support all the clauses of the late Bill. PATRONAGE OF TIIENEW BANKREPTCY CounT.—The official Assignees under the new act are to be thirty in number. The nomination of these Assignees, the Chancellor, if he had pleased, might have reserved in his own hands, but the patronage has been frankly given away from him- self: commercial persons are better qualified to judge who of their body is fit for the task, than the highest legal officer of the Crown ; and to commercial persons of the first character is the important duty confided. The gentlemen appointed to make the selection are—the Governor of the Bank, the Governor of the East India Company, Messrs. John Martin, John Smith, George Norman (the 13ank Director), Lewis Loyd, and four Commissioners of Bankrupt. —Thees.

SWALLOW SMELT CIIIIRCH.—On Thursday last week, the Rev. Mr. Brown, of Berwick, was unanimously called to be minister of the National Scots Church in Swallow Street, vacant by the resignation of the Rev. Wodrmv.