22 OCTOBER 1836, Page 5

Maurice O'Connell, Esq., \l. P., is quite recovered from a

severe and protracted fit of illness. —Limerick Chronicle.

The Limerick Chronicle of Saturday has the following announce- ment: " St. George's Church was yesterday given up for the use of the Provincial Bank. Service will, notwithstanding, ic performed on Sunday next, but for the last time." Dr. Murray, in reference to an opinion expressed by a correspondent of he Morning Reviskr, has declared that the report of the Poe.. lawCommissioners met with his sincere and willing C011CUM (ICC. At the same time be declares, that he will most heartily rejoice if a plan calculated to be more extensively useful than that which the Commis- sioners have recommended, shall be pointed out.

Notice was this day issued at the Bank of Ireland, that in future credit would be given free of charge fur all mollies lodged in the Bank of England for account of the Bank in College Greet-I.—LW/lin Even- ing Post of Tuesday. [I litherto it has been usual to charge a com- mission for this accommodation.]