22 OCTOBER 1836, Page 9



Portrane, Ireland, 19th October.

Sin—In the Spectator of the 15th instant, in the article headed "Ireland,', I find that my name is introduced as a person inimical to the inquiries of the Asscciation relative to the registration of their tenantry. In justice to myself, and anxious to stand well with so respectable a gentleman as yourself, I trouble you with tit se few observations, hoping by that means to resew: myself front the category you have placed me in. Since I had the honour of a seat in Parliament, there has not been a single Liberal question—whether for the Bal- lot, for the reduction of the Pension-list, for doing away with Flogging in the Army, for reducing the incenses of the Bishops, and finally on all the Irish questions of last session—that I did not invariably divide on the popular side, not for party porpo-es, but from conviction. I belong to a family that (with few exceptions) has ever been devoted to the cause of liberty here and every- where. I 'nave passed try life in the same cause ; and most certainly, if the account was to be settled between me and the People, the balance both in the expenditure of money, time, &c. Ike. would be struck in my favour. I have undergone two severely contested elections in this county (the head .quarters of Tory ism); they never, however costly to me, cost a sing,le farthing to any other individual, nor has any one suffered on my account. I was instrumental in getting the Liberals registered in the county of Dublin up to this very time.

But it seems, grave charges are made against me, without being well authen- ticated ; why ? because I du not make sacrifices of property, in another county, that I really cannot afford to make, or in other words, that my candle must burn at both ends. It would seem that my seat in this county is to be for- feited, if I do not abide the biddings of gentlemen in another place. Now in this they are deceived : when I was invited to stand for the county of Dublin, there were circumstances which enabled me (a very humble individual) to en- gage in the contest with a fair chance of Success. Perhaps they do not know, that whenever my independent constituents please to dispense with my services, I will most cheerfully retire, and make way for their candidate. He shall expe- rience DO opposition Irons me. This would again restore me to freedom and independence, which I can scarcely say I now possess.

I have the honour to remain your obedient servant,

GEORGE EVANS. (Of Mr. EVANS'S sincerity in the cause of Reform, we never entertained a doubt : his Parliamentary conduct has been consistently Liberal ; and in the paragraph he alludes to no slur was cast on his political career. He was men- tioned as one of those who " objected to the inquiries of the Association rela- tive to the registration of their tenantry ; " and we presume his conduct was not misrepresented in that particular. Our remarks on the gentlemen who expect persons in dependent circumstances to run risks and incur losses, while they do nothing, ceitainly cannot apply to Mr. Evaws, though his letter to the Association was the occasion of the resolutions passed by that body, and of zeneral remarks upon them.—Err I