22 OCTOBER 1853, Page 8

MO NEY MARKEL' f -1 ,..... ,.. " H '''''' b91 ' °1419 . 7. . STOCK Exonsait, - rparit - 41.14..itior: '

' The daily fluctuations this week in Government &Muffles" hliVelbeeftt ellfil- partitively trifling, but with a tendency to heavisest.--:Codeolsior Manly deolined at the opening on Monday to 911 I, on the antsonneernent that.--die Emperor of Russia had withdrawn all his conceasiew-and ;further:admit aggression were likely to ensue. Consols have iMettreegadthetween illk and 91k ; closing yesterday at 911 4. Speculators ,ale Rem avflitLiwilor

further news on the Eastern question efore_ engagiriAia.

thins. The Funds have been occasionally affeCtedttus_wme74 of wet weather. The demand for Stock on the part pf and there is now no difference in the %notation of for Account. The Foreign Exchanges, with the eice TIP PK have been rather lower : at Paris the rate is Such' 'infuldff by transmission of gold from this country. From Alii'lleftee.:Stfa t,lie accounts are satisfactory:' 120,000/. arrived by the. stesraerweabblorklek„ and further remittances are expected, from the- probableisaiecof hanom Stocks sent from England, the effect of our present bigh,fiiteiaUsswaset. The shipments of specie to India and China have ampantak, 284,330L, chiefly in silver. Today the Funds oneued 1 lo of intelligence that the Sultan had made a formal demo fleets to enter the Dardanelles. A recovery has sir - leaving eff at 911 ii for Money and Account. Bank per cent this week, and Exchequer Bills 4a.; the lattifiut at par 4 premiUm. India-Stock is of the same value As hitt Weeka Foreign Securities have been steady, and the busineasIninsafateffidftillate-- condary description. The principal Stocks generally-are at last *Wilt Mai; but the following have declined—Austrian, 2; ChRialamnd.Brairiliarie-rb; Mexican -and Granada Deferred, k. 7,;11-ysT .71d Railways fell on Monday, owing te,thite1144.11va491140.1n.io 41,011-- 'don of- 108. • to 11. occurred in sevens4 annai ae prevailed (with. the exception of has been unimportant. At the close yesterlfay,1 leading lines compared with last Saturday

rilinburghl Q asgow, Great Northern, Loti -western; and York and Nis :.-,.n.t

Great western, and Midland, 15s.; Aberdeen, Lancashire and Yorkshire; don and North-western, North-British, and-York, Newcastle, and Berwick, Z. eflohlirelgivithaieliothe,.decline has been-Paris and Lyons,: .and-Paris 4,111.51MisineascroMt4pOstiat)Dentral of France, Northern of Trance„ -and sglossbeWalid4flense,ileso.aToday the English lines have been flatter ; a fall shhissessiireddigebstsalninstanoes of 108. to 30s. Foreign Shares have not oidieislacoid sew nonit.13-:',. , - . . jab lass ?oil lo:nos% :TV . SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

11 11. Enyids,after being f lower this morning, have partly recovered : A .1*Biors retinal by the Bank of England shows the large decrease r i . eisiliss•-91kJ'Ior both Money and Account. • Exchequer Bills par A1,461814 0lira-ik•laertlyocesisioned by the payment of the October divi- - Melt& is have not altered.' Railways continue flat ; the bar- efilfM01,1titithe following-Aberdeen, 19f ; Eastern Counties, 111; 4411114kith-eastern, 57f ; York and North Midland, 44f. a noni ladja-ii8...,• . SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK.

f . . .

11.sli'Tiinds close at the same quotations they were in the morning, g; been I higher : Console for Money and Account being 91k, I ; r-Bills par 4 pm. In Foreign Stocks not the least change has oc- anada Deferred is dull at 71, 81, and Venezuela at 30 3. ilciitys. elixir) rather stronger, but little business has been transacted ; the th-tee has been in the following-Aberdeen, 20; Caledonian, 49 ; Eastern Counties, 111; East Lancashire, 60; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 100f ; Rreat Western, 781; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 61f ; - London, Brighton. and South Coast, 93f ; . London and North-western, 1011; Lon- don sna.$outh-western,_ 74; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, In; Midland, '581 ; North British, 25f; North Staffordshire, Ilk; South-eastern, 5n; Thames Haven Dock and Railway, 21; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 011; Ditto Extension; 101 ; York and North Midland, 44t; Hull and Selby, 108;, Ditto Half-shares; 531; Caledonian, 971; . Great Northern 5 per Cent, Rhenish, •.; Northern of France, 32t; Paris and Strasbourg, 35f ; Sambre 116.4 %at Western, Converted Redeemable 4f per Cent, '991 ; Mitch and Weise, 71' • /ifines-Brazilian Imperial (issued at Si. prem.) 6; Joint Stock BankS-Australisian, 69 ; Colonial, 16/ ; Union of Australia, 684. Miscellaneous:-Australian .Agricultural, 33; Crystal Palace, 51; General Steam Navigation, .28; Peel .RiVer Land and Mineral, 5; Scottish Austra-

lasian rivestmeat, 21... . .

s ?es Copt Commis.... ...... 911 i Danish 3 per Cents :. DatororACidinst - '-'3 per Cetilddneed 91 i Dutch 21 per Cents

90 iDitto 4 per Cents

, gi per Cents 92 i Mexican 3 r Cents

-...4katelinnitties' ' • al

of tisk lltocli,,::....." •• • 214 17 ,nfiXobiennft DiAlf.i..:.-. ..... par 4pm.

I dni Stock 245 8 90 3 96 8 96 8 99 101 101 3 Belgian 41_

ifibdifraes.0efits DO RBA 3iPP419,Sata

no gosh ecw ,



Peruvian 41 per Cents Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents ..• 49 51 Portuguese 4 per Cents 41 3 Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 41 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents DittoDeferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents 81 3 62 3 ' 93 4 .

231 4 71 3 112 14 9416 8 " 4 5


90 2 91 3