22 OCTOBER 1859, Page 18


Mr. Murray's list of forthcoming works, which has just been issued, i.eomprises some most interesting announcements. Chief among them are The Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions," by Captain M'Clintock, R.N., with maps and .plates; "The Duke of Wellington's Correspondence while Chief Secre- tary for Ireland, from 1807 to 1809," by his Grace the present Duke of -Wellington ; Thoughts on Government and Legislation," by Lord Wrottesley, F:It.S. - " Memoirs of 'Lord Chancellor -Shaftesbury," by

'W. D. Christie, ; "General Sir Robert Wilson's Journal, while employed at the Head-Quarters of the Russian Army, during the-Re- • treat of the French -in 1812" ; " The Great European Congresses : `Vienna, Paris, Aix-la-Chapelle, Troppau, and Laybach," by the Earl of Westmoreland ; and "History of the Two Years', War in the Crimea, based chiefly upon the Private Papers of the late Lord Raglan, and other Authentic Materials," by A. W. Kinglake, M.P.

Messrs. Longman and Co. likewise announce a very considerable number of forthcoming books, among them a "History of Constitutional and Legislative Progress in England since the Accession of George III.," by Thomas Erskine May : "Travels in Peru and Mexico," by S. S. Hill ; " Contributions to Mental Philosophy," by Fichte, translated and Edited by J. D. Morel; " The Pyramids and Why they were Built," by John Taylor; and the final two volumes (the 4th and 5th) of "Egypt's Place in Universal History," by Chevalier 'Bunsen.

Messrs. Smith, Elder, and Co.'s list of books preparing for publication also contains a good many works of interest. Among them are the two crowned Prize Essays on the Causes of the Decline of the Society of Friends, the first entitled "Quakerism, Past and Present," by John S. Rowntree ; and the second "The Peeulium," by Thomas Hancock. We are further promised new and cheap issues of Mrs. Graskell's "Life of Charlotte Bronte " ; of 'Sir John Bowring's "'Visit to the Philippine Isles " ; and of 'Walter Thornbury's " Life in Spain" ; as also a new edition of Leigh Hunt's Autobiography, revised by the author, with two additional chapters, and edited by his Son.

Messrs. Hurst and Blacked announce the following works in their List of New-Publications in preparation :—"Poems," by the Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman," with engravings by Birket Foster; "The Upper and Lower Amoor, a Narrative of Travel and Adventure," by' r. Atkinson, Author of "Oriental and Western Siberia," in two volumes, with numerous illustrations; "The Life and Times of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham," by Mrs. Thomson; "Pictures of Sporting Life and Character," by Lord William Lennox ; " Mr. and Mrs. Asheton," a novel, by the Author of "Margaret and her. Bridesmaids " ; and new works of fiction by the Honourable Mrs. Norton, Miss Kavanagh, Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. S. C. Hall, the Author of " Margaret. Maitland," Scc. The next volume of Hurst and Blackett's Standard Library will comprise Sam Slick's "Wise Saws and Modern Instances."

Mr. Skeet has in preparation : "Literary Reminiscences and Memoirs of Thomas Campbell," by his friend and coadjutor, Cyrus Redding ; " Tra- vels in Morocco," a posthumous we& of the celebrated African. traveller, the late James Richardson, in two volumes profusely illustrated ; " My Study Chair; or, Memoirs of Men and Books," by the late D. 0. Mad- dyn, Esq. ; "Four Years in Burmah," by W. H. Marshall, Esq., late editor of the Rangoon Chronicle, and New Novels by F. G. Trafford, Cyrus Redding, and the Author of "Gladys of Harleeh. '

Messrs. Nisbet and Co. announce an illustrated Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," by Gilbert, uniform with their edition of Thomson's Sea- sons " ; and "The Romance of Natural History," with many illustra- tions, by P. H.. Gosse.

The announcement of Mr. Anthony Trollope's forthcoming work on

• " Central America and the Spanish Main," occasions the London corre- spondent of the Manchester _Examiner to remark :—"-He is at once the most industrious of Post Office officials and the most prolific of novelists, and turns to account a -tour of Post Office duty among the West India Islands, by the publicationiothis travels and observations in the Spanish _Main. Mr. Trollope is a master in the art of killing two birds with one stone. He writes much of his novels on board the steamer, while en- gaged, as he has been for some time past, in visiting our over-sea Post Office establishments. Thus he works up his experience of life aboard ship into the novel of the moment, as-we may see " The Bertrams," -*here his Peninsular and Oriental voyage out to Egypt has supplied him with a batch of characters and nearly a volume of incident."

-The-Paris correspondent of the Postamiszeitung of Frankfort:announces that his Majesty Napoleon III..-has just finished a book entitled " His- toire des Canons rayes," which into appear in the course of a few months, as a supplement to the recently published works of'the Emperor.

'The seventh volume of the "Memoires du Prince Eugene," is an- -nounced at Paris as forthcoming within a week or two. It is stated to contain some very curious original documents, among others a series of letters entrusted by the Queen of Sweden, daughter of Prince Eugene, to the editor of'the work, M. Ducasse.

"L'Annuaire.de l'Algorie et des Colonies," an important statistical work, issued under the direction of the French3iinister of the Colonies by a society of sevens, has just appeared.at Paris.

M. Martial Bretin, librarian of the Louvre, has:published a volume of "Penske des deux Empereurs.Napoleon I. et Napoleon III," consisting of extracts front the works-of the two Napoleons, and purporting to show the remarkable coincidence of ideas between them. This compilation is said to owe its origin to a recent accidental remark of the present-ruler of .France.

The second -volume of a new edition of -the works of Abelard, by M. Cousin, has been published .by Durand, Paris. The same-firm has -published "La Fie slesiFleurs et des Fruits," by E. Noel, witha preface P. J. Stahl. This +latter work is greatly praised by French critics, as presenting a-new genre of literature.

Several interesting pamphlets have come out inTaris within the week. One of them, by the Marquis de Montigny, argues the necessity of re- establishing the order of the Knights of Malta for the defence of the Pope ; another, entitled "La Presse et l'Empire," by 'M. Felix Foucou, pleads the cause of Government versus Writers.

A German Prince, Colonel in the -Itussian service, Duke Emil von Wittgenstein, has published, through Zemin' Darmstadt, a reminiscence of the late Crimean war, under the title " Cevellerie-Skizzen," (Sketches of Cavalry.) The book contains much information on the organization of the Russian cavalry, and its action at Kars and in other engagements.

The late Prussian Minister of State, Count von Westphalen, has just published an important historical work, long in preparation, entitled "The History of the Campaigns of Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick- Liineburg." The Count was formerly private secretary to Duke Fer- dinand, and in great favour with the celebrated chieftain.

-Dr. Buschmann, .a distinguished German linguist, chief librarian of the Royal Library at Berlin, has published a large:work on the different aboriginal dialects of North America, entitled "Eine Musternng derVblker and Sprachen des nardlichen Amerika's," (An examination of the Races and Languages of Northern America.) 'The work recently received the great Linguistic Prize of the French Academy.

The first volume of " Travels in South Africa in the Years 1849 • to 1857," by Ladislaus. Magyar, has appeared at Peath, in the German lan- guage. It had previously been published in Hungarian, by the same author, and found great success.

Anew Life of Humboldt, containing many original letters of the great philosopher addressed to Monsignor Scarpellini' the most distinguished of modern Italian astronomers, and extending from 1805 till 1840, the time of death of the latter, has just been published in Italian by Signora Caterina Scarpellini, niece of the astronomer. The same lady lately issued, in pamphlet form, a "Discorio sulla Vita e le Opere di Alessandro Humboldt."

Under the title " II Nuovo Regno di Venezia," an anonymous author, who signs himself " a Venetian Officer," has published at Turin a little work in which the necessity of the formation of a Venetian kingdom is argued very forcibly.

The Provisional Government of Tuscany has ordered a complete edi- tion of the unpublished writings of Macchiavelli, which have been dis- covered recently at Florence. Signor Luigi Passerini, Director of the Tuscan archives of State, is to be the editor.