22 OCTOBER 1887, Page 15


[To rim Maros or Trim "Ssacrsroa."J Sm,—In common with other readers of your valued paper, I have read with regret your recent articles on the probabilities of the next European war. The temptation to the rival dailies to make the most of any incident that might bring two great nations into collision is unfortunately great, but the traditions of the Spectator lead us to expect of it more sober-mindedness than of some of its contemporaries.

The opinion is very general in Germany that the English, in their insular isolation, would welcome any war which would send up prices ; and the tone of the London Press during the recent " war scare" would not tend to allay this feeling.

Is it not reasonable to suppose that Russia, instead of plunging Europe into a frightful war, which may only result in the status quo ante being established, will devote her energies to the carry- ing out of such grand projects as the Trans-Siberian Railway scheme, by which the world's civilisation will be immeasurably advanced, indeed of retarded P—I am, Sir, &c., W. H. S. [Very reasonable ; but since when have nations been guided by reason only P—En. Spectator.]