22 OCTOBER 1898, Page 1

The German Emperor arrived in Constantinople on Tuesday, and was

received by the Sultan in person with the utmost pomp of ceremonial, Abd-ul-Hamid even kissing the hand of the Empress, a far deviation from Mahommedan customs. The troops were in new uniforms, the streets were actually clean, the sacred buildings are thrown open to his Majesty, and—all Italians have been expelled the capital. The Turks are represented as " crying " with delight, and though that is false, it is true that they are deeply impressed with the grandeur which must belong to a man to whom the secluded Khalif pays such honour. The Germans, on their side, reciprocate these welcomes, their journals lauding the Sultan to the skies as a true reformer, who, says the Post, " shows in mind and character not a few points of resemblance to the Emperor William II."! Eulogy in a German mow h could go no further, and the entire falsity of the comparison makes no difference. It is anxiously stated that the Emperor is asking for nothing, but the Mussulmans believe that the Sultan will make him some great gift, an island, say Rhodes, or Haifa, the port at the foot of Mount Carmel. Immense precautions are being taken to guard the Emperor in Palestine, where the Russians are muttering disconsolately, and Jerusalem is being "tidied IID " with such vigour that half its picturesque- ness will disappear.