22 OCTOBER 1927, Page 1

News of the Week

THE South African House of Assembly met. again on Monday, and has to face the Bills which the Senate rejected last session : the Flag Bill, the Precious Stones .Bill, and the Steel Bill. Any one of these might cause a ,political crisis,of_the first order, but none, of course, is more likely to cause it than the Flag Bill. Observers here are horrified at the idea of the internal peace of South Africa being sacrificed, and they cannot see in the Flag controversy any difficulties . nearly great- enough to justify even - risking the 'pence.. When we wrote last week hopes of a settlement had been set running strongly ..again_ by , a conciliatory speech. by Mr. Tielman Roos. Unfortunately hiunediately afterwards Dr. Malan pointed out that Mr. Roos could not commit the Government, since General Hertzog, speaking as Prime Minister, had declared that no changes would be made in the Flag'Bill.'