22 OCTOBER 1927, Page 48


I think that it would be impossible to over-emphasize that part of the specch of the chairman of the Anglo-South American Bank in which 'he drew the attention of British traders to the opportunities not only in Argentina but in Latin America generally. Mr. Hose expressed the _view that` insufficient attention had, perhaps, • been paid by traders here to the considerable growth inthose countries of newly formed manu- facturing induktries, With a tendency to foster thei-n by means of protective tariffs. He pointed out -that, while this may have resulted in some cases in a loss of markets for certain finished articles, one effect had been to increase the import demand for machinery and industrial equipment generally. For these orders, however, international competition, and especially competition on the part of the United States, is particularly keen, while it appears that from the standpoint of the buyers, price considerations often weigh more heavily than those of quality. Our competitors in the United States have established sales Organizations at a very high level of efficiency, accompanied by intensive and continuous propa- ganda, and not for the first time British exporters have had to be reminded that these methods must not he overlooked.