22 OCTOBER 1937, Page 1

The War in China Japan's campaign in China is said

to depend on the belief that her sweeping successes in the North will destroy the spirit of resistance in the Chinese at Shanghai. This object has not yet been attained, both because at Shanghai, despite heavy losses, the Chinese continue to resist stubbornly, and because even in North China Japan's advance is not without reverses. The Chinese this week lost 1,400 men in one'day's fighting at Shanghai, but the heavy losses involved inflict greater damage on the Japanese than on them, as the Chinese are in a position to call immediately on reinforce- ments. The Japanese cannot ; and for this reason their offensive is reported to have been postponed, until reinforce- ments arrive. It is stated that 3,000 fresh troops were landed on Tuesday. In the North, the Japanese armies have advanced 130 miles during the last week. They command the whole of the Suiyuan railway and are advancing rapidly down the Peking-Hankow railway. But in Shansi, 5o miles north of the capital, 40,000 Japanese are reported to have been cut off by the Communist 8th route army ; and in Shantung the Provincial armies are preparing to resist. The Japanese now appear to be confining bombing attacks to purely military objectives ; it is possible that foreign protests against indiscriminate attacks on civilians have already had their effect.