22 SEPTEMBER 1832, Page 1

The only news from Oporto is contained in an arrival

at the Spanish Embassy in Paris, the substance of which is given in Galignani. It says, on the faith of letters from Oporto of the 6th- " The army of Don Miguel was very much discouraged,:and dare not act oa the defensive. The Commandant, Lopez da Rigna, having little confidence in. the fidelity of the soldiers, had applied to his Sovereign for new reinforcements. In a despatch, addressed by the General in Chief of Don Miguel's army to the Minister of the Marine, he states that unless the mouth of the Douro be blocked up, it will be impossible for him to attack the rebels, whose forces are continu- ally increasing. Don Miguel, afraid of sending out his fleet, as Admiral Sartorius is still cruising off the Tagus, has sent the despatch of the General in Chief to Madrid. This despatch, it is said, was accompanied by a letter from DOn Miguel to his uncle Ferdinand, by which the former proposes the..sersdirw. of some Spanish vessels to the Douro, under the pretext of ill-treatmecit4sicid to have been offered to the Spanish Consul."

This story of Spanish interference was mentioned as having been threatened, in the letters from Oporto of the 4tIOnitint,from.- which we gave extracts last week.