22 SEPTEMBER 1832, Page 2

. the entitt The King and Queen were entertained on

Monday by the Earl of Albemarle, with a magnificence worthy of such guests. The Court Newsman says-

" Their Majesties, accompanied by the Duke of Gloucester and the Princess Augusta, and suites, arrived at four o'clock from Windsor, and were met under the portico by Lord and Lady Albemarle, who conducted them to the grand drawing-room. At five, the Royal partywent in three pony phaetons to view the paddocks, and drive round the beautifully diversified walks in the park. On their return, the Royal party were greeted with the loudest acclamations by the populace assembled in the park, and were joined by the Duke and Dutchess of Cumberland. Covers were laid for twenty-four in the library, where dinner was served at seven o'clock. Prince and Princess Lieven, the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl and Countess of Errol, Viscount Palmerston, Viscount Melbourne, Lady Mary Fox, and Captain Woolmer, were invited to meet their Majesties. In the evening there was an accession of guests, including the Duke of Somer- set, the Ladies St. Maur (from Wimbledon), and Lady Emily Montague ; and at half-past ten the King and Queen, accompanied by the Princess Augusta, took their departure for Windsor."

The King visited townron Wednesday ; when he gave an audience to Sir Stratford Canning, on his return from Constantinople. : He re- turned to Windsor in the afternoon.

The health of the Duchess of Gloucester is said to be greatly im- proved.

" The Queen will get her own again," runs the old tune. The Globe tells us that Lord Howe is to be replaced in his old station of Cham- berlain, and may vote as he pleases from henceforth.