22 SEPTEMBER 1866, Page 1

Everything seems to indicate a complete triumph of the Repub-

lican or Congress party in the approaching American elections, in spite of the desertion of their principles by men so influential as Mr. Raymond, Mr. Beecher, and Mr. Bryant, of the New York Evening Post. Both in Vermont and -Maine the Radicals have already triumphed, in the former by a vote 5,000 heavier than at the last poll. The New York correspondent of the Daily News, one of the shrewdest and most dispassionate observers of the politics of the Northern States in the whole Union, believes that in Pennsylvania the Radical candidate for Governor, Mr. Geary, will be elected by a larger majority than any Governor has yet received, and he has good hopes for New York. Throughout the West the victory of the Radicals seems in all human probability certain.