22 SEPTEMBER 1866, Page 3

Although the return is favourable, the Directors of the Bank

of England have made no change in their rates of discount, and the minimum remains therefore at 5 per cent. The supply of bullion held by the Bank is 16,223,5161., and the reserve of notes and coin is increased to 7,906,8161. The Consol market during the week has ruled extremely quiet, with but few fluctuations. During the greater part of the week the price for delivery has been 89,1, t, and for account, 89i, 3. The closing prices yester- day were :—For money, 89 to 89i, for account, 89i, In other departments of the Stock Exchange a very moderate business has been transacted. The stock of bullion in the Bank of France is now 29,116,7761.