22 SEPTEMBER 1900, Page 3

A writer in Die Information of last Saturday makes the

following interesting comments :—" The war has resulted in the complete annihilation of both South African Republics, and of all the terrible disasters which were said to be about to befall England not a single one has happened. No European or extra-European Power has interfered, and the bonds which link the British Motherland to her Colonies have even been strengthened." Nevertheless, he goes on, "England must pro- ceed at once to a root-and-branch reorganisation of her military system, and Lord Roberts, who returns to England in October to succeed Lord Wolseley as Commander-in-Chief, will have to carry through this task together with Lord Kitchener." We note that the writer in his comments on the impending General Election, and the prospects of the return of the Unionists -with a large majority, lays stress on the necessity of reconstruction in the Cabinet. It may be explained for the benefit of those who have never seen Die Information that it is not a newspaper of the ordinary type, but a small, highly- priced news-sheet published daily in Vienna, circulating almost exclusively among politicians, and commanding exceptional and intimate sources of information in Austria, Germany, and the Balkan States, and indeed throughout Europe.