22 SEPTEMBER 1923, Page 1


PUBLIC attention is again concentrated on the problem of 'Genitally and reparations, after the burst of excitement during which nobody could think of anything but Italy and the League. The meeting between Mr. Baldwin and M. Poincare in Paris on Wednes- day was, we must hope, a good sign ; but we are bound to say we can make very little of the official report of the meeting which was published in the papers of Thursday. This is all the evidence we have to work upon when we go to press. The announcement might have come straight from the shrine of the Delphic oracle. It is worth reproducing textually as a perfect specimen of its . kind :— " It is not to be expected that in the course of one meeting M. Poincare and Mr. Baldwin would be able to settle upon any definite solution, but they were happy to establish a common agreement of views, and to discover that on no question is there any difference of purpose or divergence of principle which could impair the co-opera- tion of the two countries, upon which depends so much the settlement and the peace of the world."