22 SEPTEMBER 1928, Page 36


Whatever may be the future of Argentine Railways as regards freight and passenger charges, the dividends recently declared by the leading companies have been of a thoroughly satisfactory character. In the case of the Buenos Aires Great Southern, receipts had shown a decrease, and as a consequence the company is only placing 1200,000 to the reserve, against £500,000 a year ago. In the case of the Western Railway the loss of revenue was smaller, and in both cases the pre- vious year's dividend was maintained. The Central Argentine company obtained a large increase in gross revenue, but•the' dividend was kept at 7 per cent., the company obviously pursuing a cautious policy in view of uncertainties with regard to future charges. Indeed, in the case of the Buenos Aires Great Southern' the revised tariff of fares seems likely to involve a large reduction in gross receipts. For the moment _however, tail: on the dividends recently declaredi most Argentine Ra:lways give a very satisfactory yield to the investor..