22 SEPTEMBER 1944, Page 13

Sm, — Would it not be possible to combine Centres of Help

for Harassed Housewives with Training Centres for older schoolgirls who wish to take up various forms of Domestic and Child Care Work as a career, or who, not wishing to specialise, would spend the last year of their school life at such a centre before entering factory or shop? One of the most striking facts shown by evacuation is the existence of such a large number of otherwise well-meaning married women who have no idea how to cook a decent meal or how to bring up their children.

It is surely of great importance that the new education should provide adequate training of this kind for the future mothers, and why not benefit present mothers at the same time? Government hostels for young domestic workers, combined with continuation schools in other subjects, might well be a development of the scheme.—Yours faithfully,