22 SEPTEMBER 1944, Page 23


sixth ordinary general meeting of A. C. Cossor, Limited, was held September zoth in London.

Mr. T. A. Macauley (the chairman), who presided, said that the pony had made still further progress during the year 1943-44. Their ver for the year had exceeded that of the previous year by over per cent. The results of their operating subsidiary company, Sterling tales, Limited, had been equally satisfactory. The directors recom- ded the same dividend on the ordinary shares as in the previous year, ely, to per cent., free of income-tax, for the year, which was equiva- I to 20 per cent. gross.

was part of their policy to strengthen the financial structure of the pang from year to year, and, in pursuance of that policy, the position the group as a whole had been improved during the year by approxi- tely £125,000.

to their subsidiary, Sterling Cables, Limited, it was the hope and nation of the directors that before they met again they would have arranged their interests in that company and its subsidiary company, cashire Cables, Limited, on terms which should result in a very stantial benefit to A. C. Cossor, Limited.

rouching upon the company's future prospects, their post-war pro- mo of manufacture and commercial development had already reached cry advanced stage. The intensive research work they had been bound canl out for war-time national needs had more than compensated at for the prolonged interruption of their normal activities. They lied forward, therefore, to a release from all war-time restrictions in er that they might be left free to pursue the work for which they were Well equipped, e directors of Cossors viewed with some considerable apprehension suggestion that the present multifarious forms of control should be tuned. He confessed that some of those restrictions might well be essary in time of war, but he trembled to contemplate what might Pen to their industries if bureaucratic control were given a free hand. eelned to him that unless industry in general, and the younger nstries in particular, were to be encourged to attain the highest degree efficiency without political interference, then their export markets Id of a certainty be in great danger. The Chancellor of the Exchequer ,nidicated an intention to encourage scientific research and general eiolameni in the post-war years, and to an undertaking .such as theirs was indeed both timely and important.

report was unanimously adopted.