22 SEPTEMBER 1973, Page 5


Sir: I know it is discourteous of publishers to complain about unfavourable reviews and your reviewers have every right to dislike our hooks.

1 do think, however, that they have some obligation towards accuracy. Doubtless Graham Greene will draw his own conclusion about your review of his new novel in which you consistently mis-spell the name of its chief protagonist but I would like to set, the record straight concerning your Crime Compendium of September 17 where not only does your reviewer again mis-spell the name of the hero of our thriller The Hungarian Game, but he attributes authorship to that wellknown Spectator figure Mr Roy Lewis, The author of The Hungarian Game is in fact Roy Hayes and I would be most grateful if you could print this letter for the benefit of those of your readers who have not yet had the opportunity of ordering, reading, borrowing or buying this enthralling book.

T. G. Rosenthal Managing Director, Martin Seeker gi Warburg Limited, 14 Carlisle Street. Soho Square, London WI

Patrick Cosgraue writes: Although I doe,. not share Mr Rosenthal's very. high opinion of The Hungarian -Game I still think it's a good read, and its author a very promising writer: I do apologise deeply, for getting his name wrong,