22 SEPTEMBER 1979, Page 19


Sue Although I greatly enjoyed Tony Lambton's enthusiastic appreciation (25 August) of Alexander Herzen, I of nevertheless a trifle pained (mindful ot his Own irritation at being described quite often nt some British newspapers as 'Mr Lambtect.re) to see him referring to my beloved old mend, the late Maria Ignatievna, sometime baroness Boudberg, sometime Countesa benckendorff, sometime inamorata of — to give them their batting order — Robert Secret Agent' Bruce Lockhart, Maxim Gorki and H. G. Wells, as 'miss moura oudberg'. Of the genial Moura's many ccomplishments, translation into excellent Idiomatic English from several languages i l)esides her native Russian was but one. It s Indeed sad that she should have died a few Years ago only a short distance from the 12.vely Lambton villa at Cetinale near Sienna without the expatriate Milord and the expatriate Baroness having had the chance to meet and celebrate together their reliant fellow expatriate and journalist Alexander Herzen. Alastair Forbes 1 837 Chateau d'Oex, Switzedand