22 SEPTEMBER 1984, Page 21


Sir: I note with pleasurable anticipation the publication of an Oxford Book of Military Anecdotes (Letters, 8 September). I should be happy to assist Mr Hastings in his task with suggested orientalia were it not for the fact that I have yet to see suitable peni- tence on his part for the egregiously misleading commentaries on the perform- ance of the battalion in which I had the honour to serve (Tyneside Scottish BW), in his recent book on the Normandy Campaign. The battalion concerned bag- ged 12 German tanks, suffered severe casualties, collected many decorations and added a battle honour to the regiment's long history. Mr Hastings mentioned it twice by name in the context of retreat only!

I trust that his editorial work for the proposed book will provide a more ba- lanced picture of military affairs.

Brian Stewart

The Hong Kong Club, Hong Kong.