23 APRIL 1831, Page 11


The Inglis, Duke of York, Waterloo, and Rose, coin:o.dag thee first division of the Company's direct China ships, were despat.:1,ed on Monday.

Arrived. At Liverpool, April 16th, Collingwood, Snipe, from Off Cape Clear, Meclora, Jefferson, from Bombay. In the Clyde, April 10th, Welcome, Bu- chanan. from Mauritius. At Batavia, Nov. Hill, itlargarethii, Rouse, from London. Sailed. From Gravesend, April lfifb, Sir lit om as Mourn, tlildes, for Bengal ;

17th, Australis, Sleight, for New South \Vale,-,, Company's Inglis, Dudinan, for China ; 18th, Honourable Company's strips Duke of York, Locke; Waterloo, Blakely ; and Rose, Marquis, for China; 10th, Lonaeli, 341st:011, fill-Bombay. Front Portsmouth, April 21, Providence, O'llrien, tic 2.1adiis and Bengal. From Liverpool, April 17th, Yare, Fawcett, fur New Small Wales.

Spoken. Honourable Company's ship Lady Melville, trout London to Bengal and China, Feb. 1 Silt, 4 North, 21 West.