23 APRIL 1831, Page 11


STOCK EXCITAXCE, SATURDAY MURN/NG.—The fluctuations in the price of Stock, although frequent, have not beenof so much consequence this week as for some time previous ; the lowest price being, 7S1. and the highest 7971. Neither have they furnished any criterion of opinion, as different and conflicting causes, acting at the same moment, in a great measure neutralized the effects of each other.

The defeat of the Ministry on General Gascoyne's resolution, would, in all pro- bability, have caused a fall here; but on the other baud came the news of the high biddings required by the French Minister for his loan, coupled with an advance is prices at Paris ! Again, the fears entertained by the advocates of Reform of eviecon- sequences to the country from the abandonment of the Bill, are qualified by the hopes of what a new Parliament may do ; while the other party are encouraged by the present to hope for future success. In short, the prices of Stock have been remarkably steady, alt things considered; and as Stock for immediate transfer it still very scarce, and the public appear to buy rather than sell, it is far frum being improbable that prices may advance before long. Last night, Consols closed at 79.

Money is not scarce within doors, although we hear complaints to that effect front without, but Exchequer Bills and India Bonds are both of them much lower than last week—the former having been sold at 10s. premium, and the latter at par

to-Iniatylie Foreign Market, prices are generally higher ; Danish having touched GO, Russian 90, and Brazil 383; but no very great amount of leasiness has been done. South American Bonds are all a dead letter. Spanish neglected, lint firm at 1G. In the Scrip of the new loan there was a good deal done on Thursday, at from 3 to 4 per cent. premium ; but it was rather neglected on Friday, and the closing price was from 2 to 3 per cent. premium.

In the Shure Market there is nothing worthy of mention.

Bank Stock .... 1973 11. 3 per Cent. Red. 78* 774 3 per Cent. Cons. 78,1 /7* 0} per Cent. New SiS * Consols for Acct. 79 Long Annuities 16a Ex. Bills, 100u1. 9 5 India Ponds . 1 Brazilian .... ftig e31

S, Colombian . 14.1 lay

39 an Greek.— 19 _1 j Mexican ..... ;17 Peruvian.,-.... 13 11

I Portnguese..... 4'21 4'.q

Russian........ SI, lel Spaniah

Dit:u, New

Bolanos Brazilian , Columbian .

110o Moxican United Mexican 10 1 143 13 53 --

9 10 SATUY.DAY, HALF-PAST TIVELVE.—The Consul Market opened rather heavily at 79; and after touching 7874 is now 7S1, for the account, and 79 sellers for money; but there is not notch business doing in either the English or Foreign Market.